As a writer, I’ve always tried to let the story decide the genre it falls in. If the story feels like a children’s story, then that’s how I write it. If it feels like a magazine article, then I write as an article. Because of that, I’ve written across multiple genre’s, each with their own story to tell. I hope to capture that on this page, giving you the chance to decide which stories you want to read, based on the story category.

Lately, I’ve been writing children’s stories, inspired by my own life as a dad of 2 great kids, and Bible studies. As a Bible school teacher of married couples and families, I love to find stories or verses that help equip my students to see the impact the Bible has in our everyday lives. I also hope to share short stories, blog posts about my adventures with the Mediterranean Diet, and maybe even some of my online TV show clips on this page. Please enjoy!